Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christians ask for help

life is full of situations that are difficult and sometimes even overwhelming. there are times when the answer or the way through isn't obvious to us. there are also times where we don't have what we need to get through. so what do we do?

here's why i think a follower of Jesus asks for help.

first, it is a sign of humility. to ask someone else for their support, assistance or guidance is admitting that your pride is not your top priority.

second, it is a sign of faith. looking outside of yourself puts you in a place of greater trust in God to make the way and provide the answer.

third, it is a sign of belief that the community of faith is the body of Christ. asking other people means trusting that God has given gifts and abilities to us all, in various ways and combinations, so that we can all participate in lifting each other up.

fourth, it is a sign of love. if we are blessed when we are a blessing to others, then allowing someone else to bless you means that the opportunity is opened up for them to receive a blessing as well.

refusing to ask for help is just not the way for someone who follows Jesus. it demonstrates pride, distrust and selfishness.