Thursday, July 23, 2009

kings today....

you don't see kings much these days. i know there are societies or countries far off where they probably still have kings and queens and such. yes, i know, England has a queen.
but, there was a time in history where kings were all the rage. every country had a royal ruler. democracy and shared authority and free elections are a relatively new thing on the historical political scene.
i have been reading in the Bible about kings. i have also been reading about "masters": people who are in charge of other people. in some sense, these two roles are similar. there is a person who has responsibility for, and to a certain degree command over, another person or people.
the reason i bore you with all this is because i think the instruction and teaching in the Bible for people in these positions could be impactful in our culture today.
we may not have kings, but we do have CEO's and Plant/Store Managers and Principals and Senators and such. these people all have a measure of influence and even control over the lives of the people working for them or living under their jurisdiction.
the Bible calls people like this to live with concern, care and compassion for those "under" them. justice, mercy and protection are the attitudes that a ruler should have toward their people...rather than seeing them as means to an end or cogs in a wheel to get work done.
if there is someone, anyone, that you have any control or influence over by way of your position in society, please treat them the way prescribed by the Bible. i wonder how that would change the picture today if many people were to rule and lead this way?