Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Recession Proof

Money is tight these days. People are losing their jobs. 401(k) balances are falling the stock market :(

Pretty much every talking head, expert, and adviser admits that we are in the midst of a recession in the American and the global economies. Everybody is feeling the pinch. Even the Treasury Department has begun printing new dollar bills to reflect the state of the economy:

I recall learning in business school about recession proof businesses that dealt in the staples of life and were able to withstand economic downturns because people will always get sick, people will always gamble, people always have to eat and have to drive.
Much is being written today about how to recession proof your career, your budget, your family, and even yourself! There are articles about recession-proof companies, recession-proof cities, and even recession-proof blogs. :)

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (NIV translation)
Although I think the Bible verse Philippians 4:13 is used and abused, that verse and the two before it have a lot to say about "recession proofing" our lives. Unfortunately, the emphasis gets put on the "I can do everything" part more than the "him who gives me strength" part. The big idea in that verse is that God gives us what is needed to endure all of life's twists and [down]turns. Also, if you read verses 11 and 12, you find that Paul is saying that he has learned to be content when he has little and just as content when he has much. He can live through it all because of the strength he receives from God.

Being Content. Now that is a concept and a perspective that will help recession-proof your life!